
Why should I use a Private Investigator to conduct searches?

 What happens when you find yourself in need of information on somone or something? Do you take to Facebook? Maybe you pull out your IPhone pull Google up. In today’s world it seems that the internet can give us information on any topic or person, but is it really that simple? At BCPI we think it takes a little more than google to find the information you need. Bert has many options for finding out the information or people you may be looking for. At this point you may be asking “What options? I found 6 websites on google that can offer me the same thing”. What makes us stand apart is the fact that you not only have immediate results, you know where you’re getting your information from, and with very little information we can give you amazing results that are as accurate as humanly possible. The sources we get our information from stay updated and our investigators know when they go out in the field, they can trust what information we give them. “I get it, you have accurate information but why should it make a difference to me? Is it really that important?”. Simply stated yes, knowledge is what empowers an individual to make a proper decision that will benefit them in the long run. Not only do we help our clients and our investigators with information but attorneys as well. Sometimes this information can uncover assets that otherwise may have been left unknown or help locate a key witness in a case. Whatever you may need or whoever you may need to find let Bert Croom Private investigations be the launch pad that starts the process.  

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